By dokkuz on DeviantArt
"It's funny how it takes life knocking you on your ass for you to make a change. The bad times are a blessing." - KayI've been somewhat of a loner recently which is somewhat awkward because I LOOOVE people. I guess it's just that awkward transitional phase from childhood to adulthood, from school to school (to school?), from over-tolerance and empathy to resiliency and true altruism, from a 7-month escapist moratorium to appreciation of the daily small miracles while remaining hyper-present in each moment. I've learned how to be independent. It took an extreme case to teach me this and now I want to embrace it as a blessing and a gift. I've talked myself down from many a ledge and it's time to take this skill to the next level and become more of a soothsayer to others, a strong servant of the world. I think that's important. When I'm void of something, it makes me want to be that for someone else. I want to be everything that no one was to me. I want to be everyone's rock without letting their problems effect me in a negative way. I want to be a source of hope, advice and comfort. Actually, I'm taking a bit of a break from social networking. Everyone seems to be depressingly complaining about the mishaps in their lives. It's a horrible environment. I'm somewhat of a hipster, so i think that was God's way of telling me to live, and furthermore live happily. Since sad is in, obviously I can't part-take in such activity...obviously. I want to refresh my pisces gills, and strengthen my Nemo-fin that everyone else sees as a weakness.
How am I gonna do this?
The 14-Day Acai Diet Cleanse
This 2 weeks I'm going to be making a bunch of changes. This is a physical cleanse but i plan on making it a spiritual cleanse as well.
1) Pampering myself
I'm going to make a skin, nail, hair, and dental care regimen
Which will include bubble baths, sun baths on the beach while picnic-ing, nail art exploration (I almost never do them), and face masks
2)Daily Study Bible Consultation
3)Garnishing my meals
I've been doing this for the last week and it's fun. I want my food to be visually appetizing, healthy and ofcourse tasty.

Yoga and Pilates everyday, and some dance classes in NYC after my first paycheck
5)Researching and embracing a Zen Lifestyle
6) Letting Out My Inner-Child
It comes out often, believe me but I'm working at camp this summer and I want to be in the sand, on the ball-field, in the sprinkler, everywhere with these kids! I want to get my hands dirty, be fun, while still letting them know who's in charge. I want to show them the beauty in novelty within the routine by always introducing new games, bringing in new prizes, and always keeping them on their toes.
Sunday, July 11th Update
The first time i took the Acai Diet Cleanse pills I already felt cleaner and more energized.
I take 3 a day and I think I lost about 5 pounds as of thursday but I'm not exactly sure about this as I don't own a scale (I'm estimating from doctor's visits). This to do list was a bit ambitious but I've had a good start. I've been more relaxed and I want to try to embrace every single item on my list as of today!
Cool Snacks I've Made:
1)Fruit Salad: Vanilla yogurt, with wheat germ, plums, and bananas
2)Shrimp with my own cocktail sauce made from tomato sauce, lemon juice, salt, and italian dressing
3)Chocolate pancakes made with pancake mix and nesquick, Banana pancakes, and Banana Chocolate pancakes
4)Sandwich Wrap: Turkey, with steak sauce peppers and onions cooked in a skillet
5) Chicken Salad with cornflakes
6)3 Store bought chocolate chip cookies with about a teaspoon of fat free milk poured in the center and microwaved for about 15 seconds. (Almost tastes fresh baked) accompanied by a banana, and dark chocolate roast almonds
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