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Saturday, June 26, 2010

I haven't been following my summer goals at all...

....but let me illustrate to you what I have accomplished, all while sitting on my ass. Amazing, right?

In fact, I have a newfound affinity for micro-blogging.
Microblogging is like water for ADHD.
All your thoughts can be documented, but they're also very abbreviated.
I'm trying to balance it out by getting back to traditional blogging which actually promotes fully developed thoughts while also providing closure.

My Tumblr -
In astrological terms my tumblr is like my ascendant - How i express myself: fashion, my sense of style, what inspires me while my blogspot is like my sun sign and moon sign - who i am consciously and subconsciously. Check it out and follow me. You can't have one without the other.

My Twitter -
My twitter is pretty much just daily musings and observations. It's not a play by play of my day. I hate that! My moon sign expressing itself through my ascendant =)

I've been getting into astrology.
I know i must've confused you (if you're not into astrology) with all the sun sign/moon sign/ascendant talk. I'm actually planning on doing a full post on this. It's so fascinating. I've learned so much but there's still so much to learn. I might become a part time astrologer by the end of this summer.

I've been contemplating the dynamics of ho-ism.
Have you guys not heard of Kat Stacks? I don't doubt that she had sex with some of the entertainers who she's claimed to but she's seeming progressively lame with her twitter mackin' and obsessive lying. Oh, and have you heard the girl's voice? Hoodratery at it's finest.
I need to take a psychology/sociology class on this before i analyze myself into a hole.
Stuff like this makes me ask a few questions like:

Do they do it for the attention?
Do they have daddy issues?
Do they do it to support other habits? i.e. nymphomania, drug addiction
Are these chicks just bored?
Is there a difference in their chemical makeup?
Are people, specifically females just threatened by their actions because if their isn't a consequence than what's governing our ideals about female sexuality besides social norms?

I dyed my hair black in the front and blonde in the back.
It's actually pretty sweeeeeet. I mixed it myself. Full post on this also coming.

I've been questioning conspiracy theories, specifically, Freemasonry in the music industry.
I honestly think Lady Gaga's a wack. If you know me you know this. The chick freaks me out. She even said she wants our souls. Her music seems to be very shallow. More like she's trying to make hits and overtake our brains than make music. All in all I do believe that the artists may be involved in something. Maybe it's just one big publicity stunt but devil worshiping? You gotta be pullin' my leg.

I've been surfing the internet. and are some of the websites i frequent.

I've been researching homeopathy. 

I'm turning into such a hippie. All this OTC stuff is pure crap. Natural remedies my grandmother and mom have told me about work better than anything else. Personally, I find organic shea butter works wonders for all skin amenities. It helps my folliculitis, blemishes, and my mom's eczema. (It's also a great hair conditioner!)
So pretty much if you have a problem type in (Name of problem) homeopathy or (name of problem) holistic remedies and i'm sure you'll find something!

Also, i've noticed the importance of humour.

Comedy is like therapy. You forget all of your problems and get a great ab workout at the same time.  The Last Comic Standing is hilarious!  (I tend to like the girls who talk in that really awkward/bored Daria-Chelsea Lately voice, yum.) I also really love Jimmy Fallon. He's so funny and dynamic.

& lastly I've been looking into colleges to transfer to, and taking summer classes (the reason I've been neglecting you, sorry!)
I still haven't gotten my response back so pray for me. I could really use a new beginning to an awesome 3 more years of college =)

What have you guys been up to?

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